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Steve a mi Bajnokunk!- avagy egy amerikai angol nyelvtanár a SZIE Gödöllői Kollégiumában

A 2019-es év első félévében az Active TalkENG Club nagyot álmodott! Az angol kommunikációs klub keretein belül egy ötnapos intenzív angol nyelvi képzés megszervezését tűzte ki célul. Az ERASMUS+ program és a SZIE Gödöllői Kollégiumok támogatásával, november 11-15. között a kitűzött cél valóra vált. Összesen 19 hallgató (9 magyar és 10 külföldi) 5 napon át, napi öt órán keresztül fejleszthette tovább angol nyelvtudását, egy, az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban született, kiváló pedagógiai érzékkel megáldott nyelvtanár, Stephen John Howard iránymutatása mellett. A nyelvtanuláson túl, a képzés végére a csapat összekovácsolódott, új barátságok köttettek. A multikulturális környezetben a képzés hozzájárult az angol nyelv tanulásán túl a hazai és külföldi hallgatók közötti kötelékek szorosabbá fűzéséhez is. A képzés végén minden hallgató egy oklevelet vihetett haza annak bizonyítékaként, hogy nyelvtudásuk egy magasabb szintre emelkedett.

A képzés hallgatókra gyakorolt hatása legjobban az alábbi visszajelzésekből olvasható ki:

 “I would like to summarize our experience with a metaphor; the last five days have been a wonderful journey. Before this course, everyone walked their own path slowly, you know, step by step. We had limits and we could hardly jump them. Suddenly, an opportunity came out of nowhere for us. Steve appeared on the scene and invited us for a special journey in the world of English. As our guide, Steve had a very huge and fast bus which had a seat for everybody. After everyone was aboard, Steve got on to the highway and gave it the full gas. For five days we have travelled so fast and seen so many sights. Sometimes we made stops to explore more beautiful places. We have learned a lot of things in English: expressions, pronunciation, TED with tons of fun all the way. I must say that the last five days were very, very awesome. Moreover and more importantly, everybody was a good companion for this voyage. Everybody gave their best. We did what we needed to do wholeheartedly. I think that it was the best thing about this course. Therefore, I am very, very grateful to all of you. And special thanks to Steve who was our bus driver on this journey and contributed to this unforgettable experience with his special presence. Steve gave us something special that we can take for rest of our lives. Thank you all so much!” – Odrobina Miklós

 “Intensive English course totally exceeded my expectations, it was really useful, exciting and full with fun. It developed our English knowledge with special emphasis on the use of all of our senses. Our teacher, Steve was the best English teacher in my life. During his classes I had never lost my interest. He gave me confidence in English speaking and helped us how to become a good storyteller. His friendly personality changed my attitude towards learning English. Last but not least I am really grateful that I had the opportunity to find new international friends during classes. Thank you very much!” - Tischner Zsófia

„Literally, there are no words to express the feeling, in spite of the fact we studied several new words and expressions too. Could you guess, why? It’s because of the strange, not ordinary but joyful atmosphere which is generated by several unique precious experience and wisdom from all over the world. It was jawdropping, memorable and also useful, I am glad for I could participated. Thank you all, especially for the organizers: Tibor, Yotsee and Mixi” - Suhajda Ákos

“The best possible express English course.  The learning process was so unusual, involving, not burdensome, interesting and embodied more in the game form. So despite a strikingly different from mine level of English, I participated in the course with pleasure and without a feeling of tiredness or boredom. Steve managed to create such a working mood that we felt as if we were close friends to each other and had long been working in the same team.  Everything was just perfect. Steve shared with us not only knowledge in English, but gave the feeling that it is absolutely not so important who you are and where are you from, how old you are and how much money you have.  The main thing is to find people who are ready to listen to your story and not be afraid to tell it. I understand that this week has given me a lot.  Not only in terms of language knowledge, new friends and interesting stories.  I rebooted, shook myself, I had the energy to create and I am ready for life like never before.” - Elena Shibalkina

 „With a motivational and fun environment, I have spent a lovely week in the intensive English course that has been held under the umbrella of the Active TalkENG club. Steve (the tutor) exhibited a unique way of teaching as well as enjoyable activities make five hours a day of learning English pass without boring. I can say, this experience improved me a lot in a short time, and it will be enhancing my English skills constantly due to the wonderful tools that Steve provided us. I wish this course will be repeated frequently to involve more students.” – Muammel Sharba

„Steve has a really cool way of teaching. During that week It seemed like I was in a debate, in a literary club, in an acting studio, but certainly not in a “regular class”. I enjoyed communicating and doing assignments. I think the best way to study is when you don’t even notice how you study because you are deeply immersed and fully committed to the process. Steve knows how to make such an atmosphere. I already miss five-hour classes, especially morning warming up exercises ;) I hope that the world is really so small and someday I will take part in Steve's English training program again. Thank you!” – Irina Logvinova

Dr. Benedek Tibor